Pretty great but after such a tired out RPG style, this game gets a little... i dono, tired out.

User Rating: 8.3 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
This game is fun, dont get me wrong, but this same old, tired, over used RPG style is kind of boring after a while. Except for pokemon. doo doo doo doo doo! The graphics are probly the BEST ive ever seen since Final Fantasy: The spirits within. HEY! thats the same series! wow i am smart. Kinda like albert einstien! Anyway, this game has its climaxes, it IS much better than most RPG's, but.... yea. The voice acting is amazing, i gotta say. I mean, this is like talking normally, not trying to act, its all kool. It makes you feel like dancing to DHT or who ever to "I like to move it", which is also the song sang in Dreamworks' Madagascar 2005 starring Chris Rock, Ben Stiller and David Schwimmer. Yes that's the guy from the hit TV show Friends.