NO Final Fantasy can possibly top this, ever. Not even Final Fantasy XXXV

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
This game has the perfect balance between fighting styles, storyline, and graphics. The story has a great beginning, and the story can only get better and it keeps you asking until you beat the game.

The Characters turn order is determined by initiative, and each move changes the order slightly, making the game that much more addicting. You will have up to seven characters in your party, and you can switch out in the middle of the battle.

Your summoner is a white mage with the ability to call aeons to fight, each one is an awesome attacker, with several abilities. If you are soon going to die, then call an aeon to take on the attack. The aeons will possibly die, then you can continue the fight. Aeons make the game.

The story and game styles make this a must have. Final Fantasy fanatics cannot afford to miss this one.