Great graphics + Great story = Final Fantasy X
Gameplay/Story: Tidus, the games protagonist, is a laid-back athlete who is all the sudden, attacked by a monster known as Sin. This monster, instead of killing him, sends him to another world that seems similar to his own but different at the same time. He is found by a man named Wakka who basically takes him under his wing as a blitzball player on the worst team in their league. This takes Tidus on an incredible journey around the world as a guardian to a girl named Yuna who is trying to become a summoner and defeat Sin, once and for all. The storyline soon becomes very complex and will keep you guessing till the very end. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout the game as well, so when you think you have a grasp of whats going to happen, everything flips on you. This keeps the game exciting throughout.
The battle system is much more tactics based than other Final Fantasy games. For example, certain people are strong against certain kinds of enemies (e.x. Wakka is strong with his blitzball against flying enemies). Also, you must figure out what moves or strategy to use against certain bosses or there will be no way you can win. Other than the more tactics based engine, not much has changed. You are now able to switch characters in the middle of battle so if you are fighting a boss that requires you to use black magic, but you dont have your mage in your party, you can switch her in, using up a turn. While this may sound like a big deal, it doesn't change very much in terms of gameplay.
The level up system has been completely scrapped and revamped which has its good points and its faults. In the past, your strength was gauged by a number that represented your overall level. This level stat has been taken out and now you control your level ups. Once you get a certain amount of experience points, you gain a skill point. These points are the amount of spaces you can move on the level up game board. Most spaces, contain some stat up or skill that you can obtain using special orbs that you receive rather frequently throughout the adventure. Each orb is connected to each kind of stat. For example, your character is on a speed space on the game board, you can use a speed orb to upgrade your characters speed stat. Each character starts at some space on the giant game board. and makes his/her way around. The great part of this system is that the level of customization is unbelievable. The bad part is, that all too often, you will get worthless level ups. or you will run out of skill orbs and then have to move all the way back in order to get a skill that you missed.
Graphics: The graphics are incredible. The CG cutscenes are some of the best of any game out there. That includes Xbox 360 games. Also, the in-game graphics aren't bad either. They far outclass almost every other game on any system.
Sounds: The sounds effects and music are dead on while some of the voice over work is a little sketchy. Tidus sounds whiny a little too often. Most of the work is done excellently and you will enjoy the full voiceover work.
Value: This an extremely long game and will take you easily 50 hours to beat. There are also several side quests to do after you are done with the main story. Plenty of secret summons and hidden bosses to find. You won't get sick of this game for a very long time. If you have been looking to get into the RPG craze, this is a good place to start.