great game
ffvii was a perfect game, a masterpiece. then came ffviii, and let's say it just wasn't that good. good, and it is true the expectetions were high, but somehow it couldn't keep up with ffvii. and about ffix... well some good ideas wasted on a good game, but the worste of the series, and the one that didn't convince the most. it wasn't a real ff rpg, the feeling was of an introduction to the rpg's world.
final fantasy x was the one on the ps2, the one that had to be compared with ffvii, that had to keep up again the saga. and it did. not enough to surclass ffvii, but still, amazingly good!
gameplay: you'll curse whoever have ever had the idea of the spherography. at least at the beginning you will, and more than once, take my word for it! you find yourself looking at it and wondering what's the best path for tidus or kimhanry. but after a while you'll get use to it and you'll like the idea.
and about limit breaks: averyone has his own. it's your job to find how to unlock what...
characters and story are amazingly cool! lets face it: auron his a great character. all the characters are well made in look and "soul". they are real well balanced, and it's your job to keep them that way. the story has everything you need.
the game, has all of the serie, it is really long, but don't worry, it's never boring. and in particular the minigame in it, the blitzball, it is strangely, umbelievebly, scaringly addictive.
graphich, of course, it is real something (the last boss will take your breathe away)
even if you are not rpgs fan, i believe you should take this in consideration, cuz it could be a good start.