99 problems but a glitch ain't one.~
One of the problems is that the chat box takes up half your screen, even though you could set it lower, it still gets annoying.
The music plays the same things over and over and over and over again. It gives me a headache.
The combat is slow, It is very unrealistic, If you attack something, it will attack you back...you willl wait around 5-more seconds before you attack again. You hit it, you draw back your weapon... stand there for a bit, then attack again. Unlike other mmos such as WoW and Lineage2, you're in fast pace battles.
The next thing that realllyy pissed me off were the menus. Most mmos have a bag for your Inventory at the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Or wherever. But FFXI refuses to provide this convinience, You have to scroll through atleast 40 menus (exagerated of course) before you select what you want. Instead of having your equipment and items in an inventory. They split them up to either give you a hard time, or make it easier (not sure how).
Equiping your character...most mmos have a icons for the place where the equipment is supposed to go (ex: Helmet for head gear, gloves for hands, boots for legs) In FFXI they're blocks with words that say head, body, hands,legs. sometimes you might click the wrong one while trying to equip gear. In most mmos, you click the gear you want to put on and it automaticly
equips it. But in FFXI you have to go to a block and slowley select your gear.
There are so many look-alikes in the game. Wearing the same armor same everything. There is no pvp what so ever...or maybe there is and i havennt found out yet, but everything else is pve.
About the combat again, The menus are such a pain in FFXI... in most mmorpgs, you get QUICKBARS where you can just select the abilities you want, sure there are key-bindings. But what about the people without USB keyboards? but anyways, instead of having quickbars for easy access, FFXI forces you to select "abilities" Job abilities, weapon abilities, magic. (I might have forgot to name some) once you select your abilities or magic, You will find many many abilities you slowley scroll down and select what you want, press back and back to the battle and you realize you're already at half health, then Too late you're dead....
The "TP" What the hell was the point of the TP!?!? On weapons skills, you use TP. TP is the blue bar that gains when you hit your target or when your target hits you. Once you get enough TP you get to use your weapon ability. THis is what usually happens: You start the battle, you have around 60 TP, You want to use weapons ability on your target...but you dont have enough TP, so you wait for it...then your target is dead, and you have almost no health...and your TP will drop. and it starts all over.
You have to kneel down to heal, this takes a while...because you're just kneeling. I dont think you can gain any health by standing. So what you do is grab something to eat from the kitchen and come back. Maybe take a bathroom break. Most mmos let you heal while standing, slowley. In lineage 2, you heal faster while sititng and a bit slower while standing and running. In WoW, you heal slowley while standing, but it doesnt make much difference if you sit, so you eat. It takes atleast 7 seconds to heal in both games. In FFXI it takes 2 mins.
Questing-- Not knowing what level quests and missions are sometimes, you feel scared to take the risk of dying while on the job. If they told you what level is recommended for these missons or quests it would make FFXI life alot easier. instead of having to run to your destination for an hr and realize its too high.
Grinding---you level up by grind, grind yes grind the horror word for most people, ill tell you that it is slow, and un-exciting. Unlike grind in L2, Lineage 2 has quite a bit of grind, but alteast its quick exciting combat with loud noises and screams. In FFXI its "THUMP".........5 seconds "SLICE"....
and it takes forever. You have to "CHECK" the monsters around to see if they are an equal level. Which doesnt take too long, but by the time you check, somebody else might have taken your monster. Most MMOS show level, or color for example (Red is hard, blue is easy, grean is medium, yellow is warning) but instead, "Checking" says "Decent challenge, incredibly tough, tough, easy prey" i have to admit it is pretty cool, but its something that i dislike.
THIS IS MY LAST THING...i have more, but its 1:15 am and im tired
If youre to lazy to read the manual, what they do at the beginning of the game is give you an adventure coupon. Most MMOS give you a good idea of whats going on. but in FFXI, they give you a coupon, get you to take it to somebody, and you're on your own. Most newbies would think "...ok so now what?..." because they're expecting more...but FFXI just throws you into the world in 25 seconds of gameplay.
The chat box again, Most mmos have seperate chatboxes, or a different window while talking to an npc. most of the time, you will find yourself asking, "What is the npc saying?" The NPC talks in your chatbox. making it difficult to tell whether its the player saying it, or the npc. if you're near a crouded area, it will constantly go up, making it hard to read. Once it hits the top of the chatbox, there is a small window over your chatbox, showing what the npc said. which is great, but wouldnt it be easier to have an alternate window!?...
There are so many things thrown at you all at once at the beginning in the game, you dont know whats going on, making it hard to learn.
Some people say that this game has a "Nice" community. But i think there is NO such thing. I see people saying "BASTOK OWNS YOU!" and "SCREW YOU NEWB" all the time. Sometimes when im fighting a creature and im losing, people would wait until i DIE so they can claim it for themselves....
Not saying there isnt any nice people, there are some people that buff you on their time when you respawn somewhere, there are people that will help you in need, give you free items and such. But i think thatas pretty rare.
And what about the People taking the game a little too far? They start talking a whole new language "Thy Knight claims you thy enemy from Sand d'oria. I shall smite the with thy sword of light!" ...like cmon, when i check you. I see you're holding a bronze sword with a 1 defence shield and a leather vest...
Yeah its a RP game...but do you see anybody RPIng? ...no, instead you make yourself sound wierd. IF more ppl Rped then it would be fine....
And the people that are totally LIFELESS? I see people that ask others to have SEX with them...you know, its OK to think female characters are hott and sexy...but asking them to cyber? Now that is wrong. Then thers the nerds that try to be "Gangster" and pick up languages such as "Yo, homie, and crib" ..They could be acually "gangster" in real life...and talk like that, or they are onlyu talking like that because its their only way being cool in a world to themselves and away from real looks.
There are so many problems with this game, that there is hardly any time to spot any glitches in the game...i havent seen any. there are probably quite a few, but are they noticable?
There are a few great things about this game, such as the graphics and ....
Graphics.... and...Graphics....the...uhmm...different menu animations are pretty cool. making money isnt all too hard....
Dont get me wrong, the Game is very addicting...well it grows on you.