
User Rating: 1.7 | Final Fantasy XI PC
Well, i played this game for a while and I have to say that it's completely terrible, for the first ten levels you'll be ok, you can solo and kill monsters till you go blue in the face. After that point it becomes pretty much a necessity to be in a party to get any form of good XP gain. Most of the time getting a party will take you hours, so for anybody that wants to sit at their computer and do nothing for hours on end while you try and get a party together, this is the game for you. Graphically the game's ok, it's not exactly impressive and the textures are washed out but it's not so bad that you cant stand looking at it.

Also the music has got to be the most annoying, repetitive garbage that has ever been put into a game. You have bagpipes playing in a major city.

Traveling takes forever and if you die on the way to wherever it is that you're going, you have to go back to your home point and start the entire trip again. This is a completely un-biased review, i've been a fan of the series for years and have completed all of the other games in the series, and this just does not live-up to the final fantasy name.