Final Fantasy XI should have better yet been a single player game instead of MMORPG. Let's break it down in attribute and give my final thought. Gameplay is what you expect with a MMORPG. Find your creature, click on him and use the Final Fantasy series style fighting. Back and forth you attack one another. I didn't like the controls because there were no options to change the way you play except for using a controller. I am using a controller and it's pretty annoying using both analogs to view around yourself. W/O the controller is annoying as well. Graphics are not as good as you would expect on a ps2 console. But if you run a high powered graphics card, you can basically have the graphics maxed out and you'll enjoy what FF offers. So far, it's one of the best graphics in MMORPG next to star wars galaxy. The sound is mediocre and I was expecting a lot in this field. There are a lot of things missing from battle scenes, to introduction scenes, FFXI fails to deliver in this category. Final Fantasy has no meaning to it but killing creatures and leveling up. I have to yet to figure out how to run quests. I did accept a mission which was out of my league. But when you first enter the city, you'll find yourself running around asking people for help on what to do. You basically have to spend the rest of your days leveling up so you can beat Forest Hare's and Wild Rabbits. I'm a level 5 Red Mage and I was defeated by a Forest Hare in which I was stronger. I don't understand were FFXI is going and how their story line is going to be. From what I see now, I probably won't find myself playing in teh near future. Don't bother picking up the game if you already purchased Star Wars Galaxy and stopped playing it because lack of objects. FFXI is boring and full of Japanese people who don't interact with you. Had I known I was buying a Japanese version of FFXI, I wouldn't spend the time nor the money on it. One thing about FFXI is that you can give it a try. Some might like it, others might feel it's too boring. If your playing EverQuest, stay there and don't make the jump even though I feel EverQuest is an overrated game.
I am a three year player of Final Fantasy XI and i say that it is a brilliant game over world of warcraft. Most MMOs usually make you run around by yourself and run into a few people time to time and chat, Final fantasy ... Read Full Review
Though the market is already saturated with massively multiplayer games, Final Fantasy 11 has managed to distinguish itself through a tough love process…extremely tough love. Despite incredible curves kicking the averag... Read Full Review