If only...
The job system in this game is awesome. There are a few flaws with it though. If you choose to get an advanced job at level 30 you must start that new job at level 1. This is upsetting because once you get a taste of the higher level content you must completely start the game over as your new class. The crafting system is somewhat ok. It doesn't offer anything worthwhile until you spend A LOT of money and time. A VERY LONG time. It's pretty crappy to get started though so it's probably better to just not start at all.
The battle system is ok. It's just that the engine of the game itself is completely tedious. As soon as you hit around level 18 you can pretty much say goodbye to soloing. If you try to level by soloing it will take FOREVER. What this means is that not far into the game every time you log in you can't really do anything but put your party flag up and wait. Sometimes you end up waiting for a very LONG TIME.
The music is awesome for the genre and the sound effects all work pretty well. It has the Final Fantasy touch.
All in all the game isn't missing any Final Fantasy taste to it. But with a slow engine and excrutiatingly slow gameplay it gets hard to want to keep playing.