Giant world , Lots of people = fun lots to find and learn

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy XI X360
Final Fantasy xi for the xbox 360 was far better than i expected as i a not a fan of final fantasy but felt i should give this one try. Installing time yes this is a bit of an issue, it takes about three hours to install , yes this is a very long time but you can't say the game game is bad just because it takes a while to install. I had some one on my friends list who gave me a world pass to there world when i first started and i didin't have a clue what to do for a long time but lots of people are helpfull and will point you in the right dirrection or even give you money. Now i am in a gruop of people who all help each other but basically before you do any missions you build up your levels witch you can do with friends Also in our group we use a Link shell a link shell is something we use so we can talk to each other when we are any were in the game which is usefull seeing that a lot of people that you will see , will either run away or ignore you There is lots of little side missions that you can do witch get you money (gil) i tend to spend my money at the auction house at the auction house players can sell there weapons,arrmor etc etc etc it is a good way to communicate with others and get some sweet weapons. So at 8.99 < Great british pounds a month i feel this is well worth it and if you intend to get this game dont expect to jump right into fighting the big monsters you will need patience and must start fighting the little things and as they say good things come to those who wait.