User Rating: 5.8 | Final Fantasy XI PC
Do you hate soloing? Does the idea of ever playing more than your beginner levels by yourself just utterly turn you off? If so, this may be the game for you. Seriously, I've never played a game that's harder to solo, and I've never died so much in my early levels, and I've never lost as much experience as I've gained, and I've never actually LOST A LEVEL before. I know that's one heckuva run-on sentence, but I wanted to get the point across. As someone who enjoys soloing a good portion of the time, this is definitely not the game for me. Add to that SERIOUS downtime to heal between fights, and I only lasted two weeks - my shortest stint with any MMORPG ever by far. Graphics and sound are OK. The interface is the worst I've ever seen - a penalty of its console origins I'm sure. It feels and plays like a console game in many ways, which limits its appeal. At least there is a reasonable amount of loot dropped, though it's pretty standard fare. I'm sure some people will enjoy it, but it definitely wasn't for me.