Beautiful graphics, solid storyline, INCREDIBLE party mechanics, awesome music and a very boring grind.
User Rating: 7.9 | Final Fantasy XI PC
Ok so I love this game. I've been playing on and off for the last year and a half like a bad girlfriend. The game keeps drawing me back in time and time again and I keep getting bored, frustrated and quiting because it just takes too long to do anything in the game. It took me about an hour yesterday to run from one leveling zone to the next. I ran from the Dunes to Bastok, thru bastok to the chocobo stalls, then on a chocobo to jueno, thru jueno to Qufim Island to look for my next party.
All that aside, it's a very well made game, and quite addicting. It has to be or else I don't think I'd still be playing today. I don't think I can recommend this game to anyone unless they lover the grind a good MMORPG can offer, or are just true final fantasy fanatics. In the later case, they probably already own this game.