Perhaps the only MMoRPG that conveys it's story without giving frivolous quests such as "Slay # of blank mobs".

User Rating: 8.8 | Final Fantasy XI PC
There have been countless MMoRPGs out there that we have played that were all similar in one way or another. Go to so and so, slay so and so mobs to finish this quest (excluding Ultima Online: Renaissance), obtained frivolous, easily beaten quests and return to finish... Etc. Final Fantasy XI is revolutionary in that it requires really nothing of the sorts, or at the very least not in such proportions as others do. Quest 1-2 you may have to acquire an orc axe from beating local orcs, but such things are rare in their epic and difficult quest systems.

In fact, the only "Slay so and so" quest that they really have is to unlock the Dark Knight class in shedding the blood of 100 monsters using the "666" delay sword. Final Fantasy XI does something that is rarely seen in MMoRPGs to date, and challenges the player to work hard, make friends, and dedicate themselves to each task they do. Each class in FFXI is unique from each other, aside from the ability of getting sub jobs that allow other spells and abilities, and each jobs requires different tactics in groups depending on the level of the job.

The amount of quests in the game are plenty, not counting the main quests that you do to become different ranks within your nation. The conquest system allows for each nation to take over every territory in the game except the opposing nation's main cities, and the rewards for doing such are vary from local sales of native items, to rare items sold by the Nation's guards.
FFXI delivers a new "feeling" to even veteran MMoRPG players with it’s new combo renkai battle system, tactics depending on classes in your party, quests and game play, and the telling of the many stories in the game that NPCs have been apart of. Also, the main stories in the game are entertaining as well, and make it as if your character was the sole main character of the world, especially when you get to the first expansion content when the mysterious boy hands you the ancient amulet that people are looking to obtain. Personally, I liked the cut scene with Bahamut when the expansion content started for the first time.

Obtaining the Artifact armor, or "Level 60" armor as other MMoRPGs sometimes refer to it as (Namely World of Warcraft), is an epic quest rather than mindless dungeon raiding. Each piece of armor of each set portrays a story of sorrow or regret or sacrifice to allow it to come into your possession. You need friends to acquire such armor, but the story, look, and power of the item is more than adequate compensation for it. The stories of the Artifact armor that I have obtained (Samurai, Red Mage, Paladin, Dragoon), were interesting, with paladin being the most difficult and rewarding story wise. With the some 212 days of game play that I currently have in the game since it was release I still have around 85% of the game's content to go through and experience firsthand; namely the artifact armors among others.

Game play: The game play is incredibly complex in just about all terms. The battle system at higher levels, and even lower levels depending on the classes, is very in-depth and demanding. Setting up Renkais, maintaining hate, judging the schematics, or whatever you have to do depending on your role and class in the party you enter into. The various quests that each class has, the optional quests throughout the game, and the main quests themselves still keep me entertained and pop up when I am not even expecting them to. The new expansion that will soon reach our shores will also include an entirely new continent, more quests, more story, and three brand new classes that are the Blue Mage, Corsair, and Puppetmaster. The ability to acquire a party is also top notch in this game, as you can make it public all around the entire game world so that people can contact you without you spamming channels obnoxiously to get help or a party. Also, lag is virtually non existent in this game, with very few if not any bugs or glitches to speak of or to notice while playing the game.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are pretty good on MMoRPG standards, without lagging someone's computer needlessly. The areas are relatively diverse from one another with the exception of the deserts in the game, but even then you notice a large difference in what is present. The water animation is adequate if you have an up-to-date video card and driver to be able to show it, as well. If you do not, however, it will just seem to stand still and do nothing.

Sound: The music and sound in the game is actually pretty nice in the game, with new music in each new town you enter and area you explore in the world. Even the battle music varies depending on the area, as higher level areas tend to have different music than lower level areas seem to have. Everything seems to be pretty much in order in this area.

Value: The value of this game is pretty much top notch, and offers many different things to the genre in terms of ideas. If one has the patience, maturity, and skill to get to high levels with the help of friends the experience this game delivers is second to none.

If people are wondering or questioning my MMoRPG history I will be put down the games I have 100+ hours in playing and have adequate experience in.

Ultima Online: Reniassance.
Graal Online.
Dark Age of Camelot
Final Fantasy XI
PlanetSide (PvP)
Eve Online
World of WarCraft
Everquest II

Most Recent:
Rising Force Online. (PvP)
Dungeons and Dragons.

Also, I'm keeping my eye on Ragnarok 2 Online.