A true fantasy world to loose yourself in, this is the best MMORPG ive played yet!

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy XI PC
FFXI is amazing for so many reasons, not without its faults, but it does so much more than the other MMORPGs.

I started playing this game 2 years ago, and tho i have taken my breaks, ive always held it in high regard. It takes a while to get used to, controls and enviroment, but you find yourself addicted in the end.
Its such a big world, so many areas, so much diversity!!! With so many job classes, everyone has a different outfit! Though at early levels, its all the same, but once you are into it theres so much to be done! Quests can be repeataive, but the missions are very intresting and rewarding! Great and intresting story line, without a clue what is going to happen at all! Unless someone ruins it for you lol.

This game keeps you playing, downside to it though is the XP and skill-up for crafting GRIND that is really really long and tedious, tho lately items were made to speed it up, it is really annoying and what made me want to get out of there. But i want to get back into it to find out where the story leads to!

Graphics are pretty impressive, the waterfalls, beaches, storms and everything are really impressive. tho before new lighting advances, but im sure the nxt online game will be better. Sound... is just sound :)
Gameplay.. very intense, but repetative at times, requires full concentration and true teamplay. Which is the point of this MMORPG, its all teamplay, you cant really do ANYTHING on your own! as everyone plays a part of the team.
You can spend hours just fighting, exploring, travelling on fast chocobos, or teleporting, running your little businesses by helping people get around, or just helping people in general. Seeing the intense landscapes, going on PvP if thats your thing, or just lazying around the town centers talking! So much to do, but so little time!

Best thing? is defiently the community, ive met some amazing people on FFXI, everyones nice, and its all pretty cool. you do get some annoying immature ones from time to time, but its all good in the end.

Its a shame the game wasnt made more openminded, but i guess they made it so to keep people playing, and not make it to easy to remove the challenge, cos thats what it is, a true challenge... that requires a LOT of spare time!

Anyway, this is defiently a game to be remembered.

But, if your like me, and a FF fan, this game has nothing to do with the FF series, apart from the name and a few items, but its good non the less, just my other FF fan mates dont like it, lol.

Best MMORPG ive played yet, but not without its faults