A review for a game I played over two years ago.
FFXI is a great game. No doubt about it. In the absence of a strong on-going plot that followed the players progress, there was instead a new type of game-play to explore. A job system that could be easily switched and doubled up was something that no other MMO had done before. The races weren't vastly different from one another in terms of skill, and any one of them could take any job they please, thus creating an easier job atmosphere, rather than be locked into something you may eventually be unhappy with. You could also hold two jobs at once making yourself into a hybrid of whichever combination you please. A very cool idea.
FFXI also practices in use=skill idea. In other words, when you swing your sword, you get a little bit of sword skill and when you cast magic you get some magic skill. This is a better idea than just making you an expert form the start and just biding your time for a level to purchase a new spell.
The world itself is very beautiful and the environments actually have effect on you interactions- For example, only during certain phases of the moon would fish be plentiful in certain areas, or only at night do the undead come out to play. Though the zones are not seamless they idea of a loading screen can provide a difference in uber lag, escaping a monster, but also a sense of boundaries. Monsters were placed accordingly to these zones and their particular placement actually has some logic to it. Pretty cool.
The auction house is also something AMAZING in this game. Genius. You spend money to buy equipment, there's no avoiding that, but then you can sell it back through the auction house at the same price! WOW! This creates a market that is balanced, more so than other MMOs have been, and you can make a profit easily while maintaining your bankroll throughout the levels. I miss the FFXI AH while subjecting myself to Wolrd of WarCraft and its horrible system of soul bound items. In WOW their auction house is a MONEY PIT. But that's another story.
FFXIs biggest downfall is its leveling system. I mean, ouch. You want a level? You have to group to get it. no Ifs ands or buts about it. The first ten you might be able to get by yourself for the most part, maybe a few more after that, but after those first few zones you're either in a group or not going at all. I don't appreciate that, and its the reason I quit the game. When I log onto an MMO, there's no a stitch in me that wants to wait an hour and a half to be picked up by a party to gamble in it's demise because of a noob healer or something. So overall, very good, but in need of room for improvement. Go Square Enix!!