I got to lvl 23 and kept playing for a while then found it not really worth it. even as a whm not worth the trouble to find a pt and always die, loose exp and so on and so forth. Not a good game for a First time MMORPGer as i said. The music everywhere gets annoying. i wish i played w/ music but. it is disapointing to say the least. I warn you that you will probably regret buying this game. even really bad 70's music is better than Sandorias bagpipes. After you have played this game for about 3 months it gets really tiring (not game time, over time). Just too difficult and if chatting is the main thing for them to concentrate on theres a problem, serious problem.
I am a three year player of Final Fantasy XI and i say that it is a brilliant game over world of warcraft. Most MMOs usually make you run around by yourself and run into a few people time to time and chat, Final fantasy ... Read Full Review
Though the market is already saturated with massively multiplayer games, Final Fantasy 11 has managed to distinguish itself through a tough love process…extremely tough love. Despite incredible curves kicking the averag... Read Full Review