if you dont have 100 hours to play this a week, dont get it.

User Rating: 4.2 | Final Fantasy XI PC
this game is for the retired people, or for those who do not have a social life whatsoever. i played this game for 2 years, ( i finaly quit) and in all honesty i feel like i wasted 2 years of my life. by camping mobs for 4 hours, to looking for a party for 3, and with every death i loose half my xp and lvl down. not fun if you ask me. sure the graphics are cool and all, but i dont enjoy them when i am lying there dead asking random japanees people for raises. and thats another thing i should bring up. half the people who play the game and 90% of the high lvl characters are Japs, no effence to them or anyhting, its just really hard to play the game when you cant tell the person to stop pulling when he speaks a different language. so for all of those who are out there druelling to get this game, i emplore you not to. Go for World of Warcraft. best game ever i have found so far.