Final Fantasy XI is a game everyone should at least try once. I played it over the summer and was pretty happy with it and thought it was definitely worth my money, I had played it once before and really didn't like it too much but playing it again was definitely a good idea I think to really have fun in the game its good to try all the little things in it like the craft system, the linkshells, and getting into the higher levels with your character. I found once I managed to get into the higher levels it was much more fun and the game seemed to open up more. The gameplay was ok but it didn't really take away from the over fun of the game, I'd recommend the game to anyone who's looking for a good MMO to play and I personally will probably end up playing it on the 360.
I am a three year player of Final Fantasy XI and i say that it is a brilliant game over world of warcraft. Most MMOs usually make you run around by yourself and run into a few people time to time and chat, Final fantasy ... Read Full Review
Though the market is already saturated with massively multiplayer games, Final Fantasy 11 has managed to distinguish itself through a tough love process…extremely tough love. Despite incredible curves kicking the averag... Read Full Review