THIS is a good game, and unique want in the ps2 that use the HDD, have bad things and good things, is repitive.
This game is one of the games more adictive to play in the ps2,of course is a mmorpg, the good of this game is that you can play it forever and the community is awesome, and is revolutionary in the PS2, it have his own menu, great features, a e-mail, it include the card game of FFIX TEtra MASTER (is additional and you have to pay to play it), you can conect you KEyboard and your mouse to have more control playing it.
THE value in this game is not cheap bec, you have to pay for the game and the include HDD before was a $100, and is a mmorpg you have to pay monthly $13, and for each player that you have $1 more, is not like the others mmorpg like phantasy star that you pay like $5.
THE gameplay is good, and when you get lvl up you are the most grateful,is like boring in the begining, but when you become in lvl 30 (( that is dificult and much time spend)) the fun began, and the story began great and you have BOSS battles,etc. AND NEW JOBS, the bad is that is like repetitive you want to have other new job you have to began training of lvl 1, and the same to otherjobs, the cool is when you reach a certain lvl with that job you have greats abilitys and etc.
THE graphics are not to improve, are normals, and the landscapes look good and the monster, but the charatcters left colors, is decent the graphic in ps2 have little more than in the PC.
THE game is highly addictive, is boring in the begining bec you dont have abilitys and dont have great battles, but it is compensated in high lvls.