How do you measure a MMORPG? Staying power? Sense of accomplishment? Content? Fun Factor? Graphics? 4.5/5 of those is not bad. While the argument continues whether an MMORPG should tailor to the casual solo gamer (read: WoW), I continue leave and breathe the beauty and complexity that is FFXI. Easy to pick up and play? No. Worth the time and effort? Absolutely. Would I try to convince everyone to play? No. This game is not for everyone. ADD 12 yr olds need not apply (again read: WoW). It may seem i'm taking pot shots at the successful giant, but the truth is, these days in game i hear a lot of "I use to play WoW but it got boring quick and now (I'm Back!)". So my suggestion: Ignore the 8.2 score gamespot gave it and the 12 yr olds that troll the forums. Go pick up the starter pack and try it out for 30 days. Make up your own mind! But me personally, I wouldnt play any other MMORPG out there.
I am a three year player of Final Fantasy XI and i say that it is a brilliant game over world of warcraft. Most MMOs usually make you run around by yourself and run into a few people time to time and chat, Final fantasy ... Read Full Review
Though the market is already saturated with massively multiplayer games, Final Fantasy 11 has managed to distinguish itself through a tough love process…extremely tough love. Despite incredible curves kicking the averag... Read Full Review