The BEST mmorpg.
Now onto the sound. Nobuo Uematsu did a wonderful job doing the soundtrack every song having its moments.I just wish there was more variety though. The sound outside of the music is good too. The clashing of swords onto monsters and everything in the middle. The sounds of spells are really cool, always -unless you find the same sounds annoying over and over... who thinks that? Jeez. The sound 9/10.
Now onto the gameplay. I'll just come out and say it... the gameplay is... mediocre. BUT, that doesn't mean it's bad. Oh on the contrary it actually fits the game in its own little way. I mean I couldn't see my character jumping around like an idiot like on WoW. Ha.. but seriously, the gameplay is good, even though it may get a little bit boring after a while. And I mean a BIG-little while (lol). In all respect I can't see anything wrong with the gameplay at all except for that one little thing. Gameplay 8/10.
Now onto the value. Well this is a tough one to figure out, eh? I found this game to be the best $99 I've ever spent on a video game. Even though it's $12.99 a month bill it's never really mattered since you get an experience you'll only have if you play it. Hell, I've had this since June 2004--like I said above and I still play it. Over 110 days of gameplay... REAL life days. I sux. But it deserves a 10/10 for that.
In conclusion this is the best MMORPG that has ever been made. Thanks for reading the review. Bi-bi.