One of the hardest MMO's and the best storyline ever for any MMO you will encounter!

User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy XI PC
FFXI is the best final fantasy and the best MMO to boot. Here is my review

Gameplay : Great! teamwork, and you always work together! the fighting system is superb with all the jobs. Dark knight, black mage, warrior, red mage, blue mage, etc! Graphics : Okay for any pc game, but i've seen better, but graphics arn't needed with this fantastic game!!!

Sound; GReat sound , especially in the unlockable areas. It makes the game that much more fun to listen too

Value : Worth every penny, the expansion and the game are worth it all!!!!

Reviewers tilt 9.6 in all


~Worth getting , i wouldn't recomend passing this game up
~75rdm 75 blu
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