see how this one does in charlies word

User Rating: 8.4 | Final Fantasy XI PC
okay this one you play a final fanasty character that you made up all by yoursellf but like i said inthe other review for the ps2 and the only reason im oding this reveiw because i want to rewie every game in my collection now like i sadi in the other one this was not a good idea think aobut it in the real ff game you play a hero and save the worl all by yourself but in this one everyone is a hero and sorta takes the fun out of that that you were a hero all by yourself against the world in the real ff game now the gameplay i got to admit is fun but is just like every other one out there with a ff twist in and thats is it and the graphics still are so amzing in this game as always as they are in the ff world and the osund it was lacking in this game and somtime when i was playing there would bew no sound for houres
and that chartlies word