Time consuming and most of the time boring. But very addicting!!!

User Rating: 6 | Final Fantasy XI PC
Graphics: The Graphics aint too bad, thats about it.
Sound: pretty crappy.

The Game:
To be honest with you the game overall is a pretty boring, yet very addicting expeirience. after you install everything youll go through a lot of registration bull crap, Then when you think yuour geeting ready to start playing an update screen pops up saying to update the game. IT TAKES 3HRS TO UPDATE THE GAME. i dont have some crappy dial-up connection. i have cable internet. and it still took 3hrs. Then after waiting and creating your character and picking your town, you watch the fairly long opening video. Then they let you go without telling you almost nothing, Youll find yourself when you start walking around aimlessly looking for somewhere to go. Then after about a day of asking people to help you and tell you what to do you finally get the hang of it a little. Once you start gaining exp(which youll be doing about 90% of the time.) youll be fighting monsters to gain it. all you do to fight is click on the monster and the computer does the rest. This is a very boring process. Youll start out soloing your exp till about lvl 9 or 10. then you must join parties to keep gaining levels. partying is a very boring experience. first youll wait an hour just to from a party. then youll spend hours and hours on end till you gain a level, which takes about an hour and a half to gain a level. In parties youll find yourself spending countless hours replacing left members and gaining exp. youdd fiqure if they were gonna make it boring to exp they would make it quick or slow and fun. but its both very very slow and very very boring. This is most of the game, gaining expeirience. you can also do quest though, which are mini missions, some of them are complicated and fun, and some of them are very easy and quick. And missions are the main adventures. Youll almost always need help from better player to complete missions. they are very hard and time consuming. most of them anyway. As for the chatting and community aspect, it is set up very well, some of the higher level players youll run into are a-holes.

The Money: For PS2 version
Game+HDD--- 99.99 SRV
Keyboard--- probly 20 bucks
Network Adpater---- 39.99
monthly Fee--- 12.95!!!
Yes, people, its a rip-off.
first they make you pay over 150 dollars to buy the game, then to be butt holes they charge you 12.95/month to keep playing the game, if you want more than one character, +$1/month.

The Sum:
T sm it up, FFXI is a very boring game, But you will oddly find yourself coming back for more and more because this game is very addicting!!!!
No Joke!

Threres alot of other things you can do also, like crafting, adv. jobs (hich you have to get lvl 30 to get 1st,), fishing etc... theres a whole lot more to it folks,

If you are a hardcore FF fan you might be dissapointed but maybe not, if your new you might like it. Just keep in mind that it is a very complicated game and very time consuming.

That pretty much wraps my review up
Thanks for reading.