Nothing really new, at best this was a gimic to help get some sony fans to buy an xbox.

User Rating: 4.5 | Final Fantasy XI X360
This will be short and sweet...

First off this game is outdated, and this is aparent from the time you start to create your character. FFXI does not show off even a fraction of the 360s power and its a shame. I liked FFXI but since mainly this version is just slightly better graphics and not much else there really is no reason for anyone to buy this game unless they are a die hard FF fan and have not played this before. This lacks the long term pvp and instance value of games such as wow. IF you havent played this game I would say give it a try, but then it might make you never want to play another MMO... EVER. Basically the reason this game was ported to the 360 was to get a little more money, and mainly so MS could claim they were getting Final Fantasy games before the 360s release in an attempt to sway RPG fans to buy a 360. Bottom line this game is not worth your money.


Its the world of Final Fantasy online
Fun for a while and some neat characters
Nice spell animations


Not much end game content in this MMO
Nothing new, same old game
Not worth next gen price
Still feels sloppy on a controller, keyboards are a must for MMO's
Cheap stunt so MS could claim Final Fantasy was coming on the 360.