Well I've been playing FFXI for about a year and a half now. Yes it's time consuming so what. Yes you have to play with other people, sometimes that sucks but most times its great. Yes lvling jobs is slow and everything is over priced. So what there are people for Japan and other countries that play use the autotranslate function. I've read alot of the reviews on here and I'm like wth?. OK so you've played a job to lvl20 so what your really still wet behind the ears till atleast lvl 50 , or you have 40 hours play time come on. I've played more hours on this game than I've actually worked ths year and I've never called in so I could play. Yes the servers suck , SE tries to fix what they can and sometimes make it worse, so what. I used to think this was about lvling jobs , it's not. For myself and most people I know this game is about meeting new people everyday and making new friends. Do I recommend this game? Yes, if you have the time that is if you'll find the time. So don't bash it cause you dont like noob PT's at low lvls cause there are noobs at lvl75. This is social game , less you want to be a loner Beastmaster but even they can't solo everything............................
Just can't stop, someday I will but for now I'm content with the day to day hastles fo this game..
I am a three year player of Final Fantasy XI and i say that it is a brilliant game over world of warcraft. Most MMOs usually make you run around by yourself and run into a few people time to time and chat, Final fantasy ... Read Full Review
Though the market is already saturated with massively multiplayer games, Final Fantasy 11 has managed to distinguish itself through a tough love process…extremely tough love. Despite incredible curves kicking the averag... Read Full Review