For 360 owners that have already spent 200 hours on Oblivion, Final Fantasy XI welcomes you with open arms.
User Rating: 8.3 | Final Fantasy XI X360
Before you go flaming the game for horrible graphics and repetitive gameplay, just listen to what I have to say about this game. I was very skeptical about this game coming out on the 360. When the beta came out I did'nt play but my buddy did who would never ever pay a monthly fee to play games. He played the beta straight through to the game's launch and didn't even touch his copy of Oblivion when it hit the shelves. I was busy with Oblivion but I checked FFXI one day and low and behold the game grows on you A LOT. Sure it's a sight for sore eyes after playing Fight Night Round 3 or Oblivion but it's fun and that's what games are supposed to be about. Everything from the leveling up, partying, helping others out and the auction house are great additions to a game that you can't get anywhere else on the 360 at this time. Yeah, it's cool being able to beat the crud out of people on live in FNR3 or snipe someone on GRAW but Final Fantasy has so much more. The game is deep. I've played for 20 hours and have only gone to 2 different areas. I've played WOW and Everquest and FFXI is a whole lot better in my opinion than both of those games. If your bored and love the FF series or just playing a game that involves people in general, try this game out. What's $50 bucks going to do if you don't like it. I know almost every single person that plays games has paid full price for a game that completely sucks. You get a month for free and I promise you that you'll play it for longer than that.