This game has many flaws for very basic things that WoW brought us to love.
This game has many flaws for very basic things that WoW brought us to love. First off....navigating is hard as ****. No mini map just a bunch of blips and N S E W. No general chat makes it hard to communicate. The quest log is horrible and does not really descibe the quests at all. No icons above the quest givers heads. The constant having to move among a list of pre-set tasks. Leveling solo is VERY hard. Money is scarce for basic items and upgrades. You also have to have a fair amount of cash to be able to put items up for auction. You have to run EVERYWHERE. The controls are sloppy and there is no log of what quest giviers or other people have said. The big BAD.....monthly fees on top of XBL fees.
The good:
Nice turn based fighting style. NIce animations and graphics. Good Final Fatasy music for FF lovers.