5 yr old game..... $50 price tag..... if u wanted to give MS a game why didnt u just give us FF7 or X

User Rating: 5.5 | Final Fantasy XI X360
Seriously this is the same game as the original on that came out in 2001 in japan. Why not add anything Square? This seems like a test to see if 360 players will buy Squaresoft games..... If they wanted to test us why not give us a good game like FF7, FF8 or FFX... All in one package for like 60 bucks or something... no upgrades just the achievement system..

I think people would be happy to have ff7 with an achievement system.... now u could really show u leveld up to level 100 or that u beat emerald and ruby weapon.

O yea did i mention after the $50 price tage u must pay $13 bucks a month !!!

It has boring graphics,gameplay, sound and the people r unfriendly

it takes forever to level up. I played 22 hrs why am i still fighting BUNNIES !!!!!