Why Play Final Fantasy 11 Online for the 360 ?????
Not to mention the PC version was released October 2003 and the PS2 version was released in March 2004. And the 360 version is still $50 bucks. Now I understand that this version includes a new and the old ones as well, But for a game thats 2 and a half years old do you really wanna include it to your Next Gen experience?
To me I think it belongs on Xbox Marketplace to be available for download for 800 credits. That is where all the old games go right?
I played the beta version, and I was not even a little impressed with any part of the game. Graphics, text, environments, characters, they all suck.
Now if you wanna a great RPG then get The Elders Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I've spent more than 114 hours playing this game. And I'm still loving it hardcore. It would be a great MMO, but for a single player game its nice to escape reality to. I love that there is a game development team that is staying on top of the game by adding new content just shorty after the game.
I don't mind buying upgrades for a game I love to play while I'm still into the game. Its those upgrades that come 6 months down the road after I have moved on and I'm past that game.
So I say again , Is it worth it to play an almost 3 year old game that takes 3 to 4 hours to just setup for $50 bucks ???????
You tell me......
Oh wait, P.S. to all you Xbox 360 achievement addicts out there, There are NONE. Sorry