Why are you guys complaining....?The game has it's flaws get over it.

User Rating: 8.2 | Final Fantasy XI X360
Hi everybody I would just like to start my review by saying....-cough-
Thank you.
Now I understand why you guys are angry,because you are comparing it to other MMO's out there,and that's why you write such horrible reviews.
I look at it this way,when I'm playing a game,I don't look at it and try to find all the flaws....I don't say "Hey well world of warcraft had this,and that and this game doesn't"....that's why you hate it.If you didn't like the price of the game...why did you buy it?Hmmm....yep that makes sense.You complain about the installation,but I guess It's a good thing they put that in there,so you could get out of your fantasy dream world you're in and go spend time with your family that only refers to you as "The Great Dungeon Master".Then they finally get time to talk to you normally before you go off to la-la land.
My Review.
This game isn't the best game i've play by far,but it's not the worst.While playing this game I had/have fun,all the time.People are generally nice,and even though most of the other players are Japanese that's fine.This game has an easy fighting system.It auto attacks for you so you can plan your next move by using Magic,Items or Some ablities from your job.Oh yeah I didn't mention you could change your job with no penalty,so that way if you don't like your job,you can change your job back to the one you had and still have your level.Quests are a little hard considering they don't have the place to go on a map,so you have to use your map and pretty much guess the right area.Leveling is easy and you can pick your fights if you don't want to fight you can just disengage them and run to someplace safe and heal.
Look I liked this game a lot,so I'm gonna give it a high score.
Thank you for reading.