Final Fantasy is a great game with one major flaw.

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XI PC
I've been playing Final fantasy for about a year and two months and play other games like Ragnaroc Online on the side. I have workd to level up my one character to Lv. 47 Summoner / Lv.23 White Mage and cherish the time that I have spent on the game, but have begun to notice one really annoying flaw compared to some other MMORPG's. I now find myself a full time student at a University and have quickly discovered that I don't get that much time to sit down and play video games, much less a RPG. From this point I have unfortunately unclverd the one flaw that really gets to me about Final Fantasy XI is that it is not a game that if you want to make any progress on your you have to set aside more than an hour of gameplay time. Sure if you want to you can go kill monsters for items for an hour or 30min, but if you want to level your character you need more than an hour. Basically after Lv.10 on most jobs you can no longer go solo fighting monters and expect good experience points, you are almost for forced to join a party to find good experience points (exp). This isn't that bad at lower levels, but once I got to the Lv.47 I'm finding myself waiting around in Jueno for a couple hours with my flag up to join a party with no luck. As a Summoner it would be suicide to fight monsters solo to get exp and I have never been a good party leader. So when I get the time to play Final Fantasy XI I hardly get to fight for exp because I hardly never get an invite. I do though get to look forward to the times when my Linkshell gets together. That is really the only complaint I have that Final Fantasy is too dependent on you being in a party at higher levels. Sometimes I would like to solo for exp and not have to wait to join or find members for a party. Other than that the game is great. The character models are the most enjoyable in any MMORPG that I have seen so far. The areas in the land are huge and expansive. The story is really good and told nicely. Plus as you move up to Lv.30 the game helps teach you through actually in game experience all the ends and outs of how to move around and interact in the world of Vana' diel. I found this very helpful. Plus the graphics are great and the modeling of the characters and world looks fantastic. Perhaps the coolest thing about the game is that the world changes and celebrates all the Japanese holidays and some popular American ones with re decorated cities, special Non Playable Characters (NPC), and special items and quests. I would recommend this game to someone looking for a MMORPG and like the Final Fantasy franchise. The monthly fee is $12.99 with one character and is an extra $1.00 per additional character you want to create.