Erm....Iunno...Sorta good sorta bad, Grapphics Bad but eh so so good....Lawl

User Rating: 9.4 | Final Fantasy XI X360
Alright, Well to start this off, I've been a Final Fantasy Fan for years! Ever since Final Fantasy V, I've loved every game Especially VII VIII And X. This game all in all isnt SO bad that no one wants to play it....But This isn't why your here to hear me Ramble is it? Didn't Think so Lawl.

Any way heres how I'm going to do this, I'm going to start out talkin about the game then go into Details about Sound Graphics Music, Video, And Diffculty. Alright here goes nothing!

So here we are...Final Fantasy XI, The supposed BIG Game of 2006, Correct? Wrong, There are better games out there then this, The final fantasy Series started out on the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in Japan with Final Fantasy. Then moved on to more like II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X X-2 XII. The most famous Final Fantasy Game Was quite possibly VII Because it had the most famous villain ever, Sephiroth, However after X-2, Square Enix Decided that it was time for something new instead of the other same old story lines, They decided it was time to expand their world into the World of Online Roleplaying...Better known as MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).

Alright so we decided how it orriginated now to talk about whats good about it. Sounds graphics Difficulty and Learning Curve is how we will decide this, I know I said what I'd describe up above I think I changed my mind so blehhhhhhhhhh! Lawl.

Sound: The sounds and music of this game is pretty damn good, I must say honestly that it is better then most music except the battle music...I'd think Final Fantasy VIII Had better music then XI, But the sounds of the swords hitting the monsters and so forth are oh so ORGASMIC. But eh yall might not agree to this but hey I don't see you writeing reviews `-`. What hurts this game is that its not Mic Compatable like Phantasy Star Universe.

Graphics: The graphics, Eh are so so, better then Fable better then Final Fantasy I - X-2. XII has better graphics then this one, But eh its fine with me. The graphics of the monsters moveing hitting and running is awsome, They have blinking eyes moveing heads and other things such as talking and stuff, NOt mic Compatable. Anyway, Its pretty Intense....

Difficulty: For those who arn't used to the battle system, It would be pretty..well..Hard to learn, but those who played XII before XI like me, then it would be kinda easy. But the battle System isnt the hard part of it, Its the difficulty of the monsters, The monsters are damn hard LAWL, And stuff like that. Stuff gets harder as you stray from the city, Lawl. Good luck.

Learning Curve: Well, It's pretty damn hard to learn this game, the commands and Macro's, and on the Xbox you have to use the controler to type, You can use a USB cabled Keyboard, but that makes it harder to play, useing keys like S W A Z to move I cant do that cause I'm not exactly Compatable to do that, Since I don't play the games for the PC Lawl, Anyway it was good I learned it pretty easily cause like I said, I've played the Final Fantasy Series before, and Played XII Before XI so I learned what is what pretty fast. All in all this game was pretty fast paced and gamers everywhere will love this game like I have, It needs better sword motions and slashing and so forth, But its pretty fun. Thats it. Good day Lawl!!!!!