Final Fantasy fans wont be disappointed with this game and there is plenty of entertainment for newcomers to the series

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings DS
I had doubts about picking up this game. I still had the horrors of Heroes of Mana fresh in my mind. Another RTS game didn't seem like the smart thing to spend my money on. However, I am a Final Fantasy fan so I decided to take a chance on this game. It was well worth the risk because this game is amazingly fun.

The story starts a year after the events in Final Fantasy XII. Characters are the same but Revenant Wings doesn't require you to have played FFXII to understand what is going on. The dialog is interesting and doesn't drone on forever. The characters have depth and humor.

Gameplay is a mix of RTS and RPG. Units are separated into melee, ranged and flying. You have packs of summoned espers that help you battle. These espers can be assigned to a leader which will allow you to send in the proper group to the monster you want killed. Tabs at the top of the screen allow you to select one group at a time. This comes in handy when you have melee, ranged, and flying monsters attacking you all at once.
Customization and strategy comes in to play at the beginning of each mission, you can choose what leaders and espers would work the best to defeat the enemies you will be facing. Like other final fantasy titles you can find and purchase equipment for your leaders.

It is really hard to explain this game in words alone. I'm not finished with the game yet but it is definitely one of the better games I have played. The gameplay is different then anything else available on the DS. I recommend this game for any final fantasy fan as well as anyone looking for a unique, entertaining story and gameplay.