It had the potential to be the best but its lacking in a setting and story everyone can enjoy.

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Final Fantasy XII is definetly one of my favorites. I enjoyed it all the way to the end(well cept pharos). The battle system is creative, addictive and unique. The visuals are stunning and beautiful. The story is well layed out and quite good (but is the exact opposite to many people). The setting is...uhh...sandy? and somewhat plain in my opinion; with such stunning visuals why make half the world deserts and grass lands. i would have liked to see more lush forestes, more snow(which is the most beautiful thing in the world =]) and maybe some more coast line(phon coast was beautiful) or a volcanic setting wouldve been nice. it would be nice if there were boats to and even better if you could sail one, maybe even fight a kraken or two. the setting just felt alittle to serious to me and dident focus on beauty and i dont mean to be hard on this game but thats what held it back from a perfect score from me. the setting of Ivalice was never written in stone anywhere they dident have to make it all deserty.

Now back to the story; i wouldent call the story epic but it was intesting it felt like it had a purpose. You always felt like you were accomplishing something. but all you really did in this game was save a kingdom. Star Ocean(spoilers) was epic though ive never experienced a game like that before it went beyond saving a world you atempted to save a universe only to fail in the end and you dident even know who the bad guy was till the end XD it was great. but anyway FFXII story was nothin special.

The gameplay and visuals were what really won me over though. Traveling and fighting were fun it reminded me of the good old FFXI days where thats all the game was about and whats even greater is u have control over your whole party. well thats all my imput on this game have fun with it people.