While much on the combat/rating systems has been upgraded, mature players will be... wanting more.
I consider myself as a mature player, which means that I care a lot about the details of the plot, characters, gameplay balance, etc... well, every aspect. So instead of packaging everything into one whole mega paragraph, let met review point by point everything about this game.
Graphics: Simple, one of the best graphics a PS2 can handle. CGI are stunning, especially at the beginning.
Sounds and Musics: One of the best of the series. Area's music is simply the best thing you've ever heard in a FF. That makes the combat more fun and you won't get bored by it when leveling up. Cast of characters: Every character is unique, yet the relationship between some can be hard to understand at some times. Also, the main character, Vaan, doesn't have anything to do with the main story. Worst, we don't much of him... even after finishing the game. Lady Ashe could just have said him "Sorry i won't take you with us anymore" and the story wouldn't change a bit. The same goes for Penelo, and for Fran. Final Fantasy is known for getting deep into character's personal story... which mostly leads to their motivation on accomplishing the quest they're on. I think the characters are great, but we don't know them. Knowing the characters personal story is a also a way to feel them more. And i have to say FFXII does have a great potential, but SE failed on that one. And to me, that's very important. You always think it will come later but... you realize you finished the game without everypart of the story. .. or what could have be the story (see below). So... i didn't really feel all the characters there, and i wanted to !! Voice acting: The best so far. You'll especially like Balthier, Cid and Fran's way to talk. We she say's something, you know she's not overreacting. I would say a big 10/10. Story: To me, it's the most important part of a final fantasy game. As i said about the character's details, i feel the story could have been way more developped. The game will leave you with lots of mysteries. SE didn't take the time to explain everything. You barely know the purpose of everything and the true meaning of everything. The game is so much focused on battle and leveling up that the story is very short... so i didn't get into it really. Some story plots were interesting, but it doesn't develop! When you're thinking "oh a lot is going to happen now"... the cutscenes ends right there and you continue on your leveling up quest. This resume the game. So to resume the story part: GREAT potential... i would say awesome potential. I expected treason, major events and battles, complicated alliances, people working in shadows, deep character story, love scene... But!! No use of it. Nada. Only the minimal to point you out the next destination. Beat the boss and be satisfied, that is what the game is telling me. What about the Rozarrian Empire? What about Vaan, Penelo and Fran story, they can't only be followers? What about theory of this nethicite power everyone seems to discover? Where does it came from, from space, since when, how ? What about Fran being allergic to Mist? What about how old she is, and how she could be this old? What she did before? What about Al-Cid? How in the world is there a holy land that nobody knows except few people? Is the world on a round planet or is the end of the world awaits everywhere outside the map? What happens to Venat ? What are his goals on leading Cid and Vayne to destruction? Why the other Occurias didn't interefere with Venat other than by Cid's bait on Venat's behalf? What ceremony at the end? Why Gabranth did so much hate his brother Basch? Where does Vayne comes from? What is his goal? I can't believe "destruction" is the only thing he had in mind... we've passed the age of having a vilain only wanting destruction for destruction. Sephirot had his goals for destruction, and it was based on his past which was linked with Cloud. Questions like this, i had sooooooo many through all the game... and no answer or should i say partial answer with partial information. From a FF, this is really frustrating, because you expect to have every detail covered.
Combat system: Oh finaly no more crashing windows with random battles that took you so long. You finaly get a more accurate feeling of cutting your way through the combat areas. The system is highly addictive, honestly. The addition of quickenings and espers is great too, and can be quite useful against powerful bosses. Yet I was having my doubts about this "hack'n'slash" new-style when i first heard about it, I can tell you that I wish every other final fantasy play this way too, though i agree the lack of "official" battle feeling. Just remember how the battle between Cloud and Sephirot, The Last Battle, was presented. Now everything is in realtime and the environments you walk into. License Board: The most addictive way to learn abilities. Each time you defeat a monster you get license point, and EXP, of course. To earn an abiities, you must earn first the license by spending an certain amount of LP. Also, you need to buy the abilities at a shop. You need to work hard and chose carefully what are your priority with each character. And... you'll see the cash is easy to get but... way more easy to spend. Here's an advice: don't buy every new upgrades to armor and weapons... i know it's always very tempting but it's impossible to afford everything, which ask you to make decision. Gameplay: For the reasons above, this is the most balanced and challenging FF to date. Thanks to its addicitive way on earning LP, cash and EXP, you won't get bored of it. The fact that monsters of way higher lever are in low-mid level areas is pretty cool too, since it forces you to flee sometimes... or to face the challenge. For those who loved FFtactics, you will be quite familiar with most weapon/armor types and the way the status is calculated... which is great! Lenght: Very long game. But ! Then again, very short story, very long sequences where you need to level up.
Overall: While the combat/license board system is very addictive, the story doesn't meet the expectations that are set after the 5-10 hours. Even then, this FF is a great one if you like the feeling of leveling up and earning lots of stuff. I'm glad to have played this game, and I highly recommend it, except I warn you to not worry if you don't understand everything... the game is meant to not be totally understood.