User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
having a hard time waiting for the english version to come out. I have already finished playing FF12 in Japanese version and I do love the gameplay. This not your ordinary final fantasy. I felt this experience during playing the Japanese version and imagine that all text are in JAPS. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. But i have my handy dictionary of niponggo and english to translate the text. I have the hard time Fixing up my gambits.

So, the english version had come up. At last, this is tha game I've been waiting for so long. So here are my humble reaction to the english version compared to the JAPANESE:

Gameplay: the gameplay becomes hard for the first time you played. you can actually build up tons of gambits to suit up your characters. For optimal purpose. The game has enriched its quality in terms of gameplay. They made this to improve gamers ability to hook on the game. It is somwhat kind of online game.

Environment: Tha game enhances it's plexibility. you will encounter lots of dungeons. Lots of bosses, creatures/monsters then its visuals had developed two times. Simply astonishing.

Characters: I believe that characters made the story of the game. The characters develops it's own part to the story. i love on how they develop tha moving hairs and graceful facial expressions. The only flaw i've noticed is that during Mist, they do not utter the words. Just like whenever Vaan said "Have some of this" during pyroclasm. Be observant.

Fun factor: i just want to say that the sidequest of the game is no fun. it is totally serious. Like having other 8 summons to collect and harder dungeons. Oh wait!!! don't forget the mob hunts. (GREAT BEHEMOT ROCKS!!!!)

TO all ff fans out there. It is a challenge for all to defeat this game.!!!!

Have fun!!!!