This game revolutionizes how a Final Fantasy is to be played from here on in.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
I was a little sceptical at first, when i heard and had seen how Final Fantasy XII was to be played. I was (and still am) a massive fan of the random encounter battle system. This new system however is brilliant, flawless.

It gives you the ability to make decisions based on what you can see ahead of you, and gives the game a more strategic element.
Strategy pretty much sums up Final Fantasy XII, there is a lot of forecasting what is set to occur in the future and equipping yourself accordingly, and I love it.

Graphics: 9.5/10
Audio: 9/10
Game play: 10/10
Immersiveness: 10/10
Value: 10/10

As we have become accustomed to, Squaresoft as put together yet another brilliant Role Playing Game, and if there was one game that you must purchase before we say goodbye to the Playstation 2 it would have to be this, and if you've got a Playstation 3 (as i do), it is still well worth the buy. Your cash wont be wasted

Bring on Final Fantasy XIII !!!!