One of my favorites
This Final Fantasy will leave old fans disappointed and leave the series but it will bring in new fans as well. For those who are disappointed in this game then I'm sorry to hear that, but as for me it is a great game with many surprises and I cant wait to see what square does with FFXIII.
The story in this game is about war yes thats right war no love story its war. They really ran with the love story ever since FFVIII. Well war is a great change of pace from love. The story in this game doesnt start like FFX where you are put right into the fast interesting part of the story. This game takes it time to bring you in while also giving you a chance to explore this huge world that was created. The story is a bit confusing but I believe it is due to the dialogue. The visual in this game are great, thats really all I can say. The first time I was Vaans home town I got myself a headache because it was so much to take in all at once. The first town in this game is HUGE they put 5 teleporters so that you wouldnt have to run around, thank god. However because of the huge town the loading of the game suffers quite a bit. It isnt bad loading but if you cant stand a 5 second loading then its going to be troublesome for you. The one main part of this game I was scared of was the dubbing, FFX had generally good voice acting but sometimes I would just mute my T.V., but in FFXII it was different the voice acting is great but not everyone sounded right for the part. Vaan was alittle annoying if you heard him talk for to long. Penalo didn't sound like a 17 year old girl. Fran even though I got the feeling her voice was going to be something like that, it still surprised me. Ashe sounds just about right I guess alittle more womenly. Balthier and Barch I thought was perfect. Balthier is surpose to be a sly character so they gave him a accend. Basch is a tough guy so a deep rough voice was perfect. Even though they didnt sound right for the part it was still well done. I guess most people figured out that the battle is the most important. I loved it I really did. The battle no longer needed me to wait for it to load it is a hit if you want or avoid if you dont simple as that, because of the no more changing screen battle style I was able to explore this bug world with no fear of going into a battle that I may not be able to run from and end up with the game over screen. The battles in this game are fought in real time with the gambit system it is similiar toe the Kingdom Hearts style but it works rather well. although it pissed me off everytime a monster is about to die and then they aim at another monster with more hp. Leveling in this game is kill a monster and level but there is also the License Board....this thing is pretty annoying since you gotta keep going back and forth and think about what you want to build but it gives you alot of freedom to make what you want, although like FFX...everyone will pretty much be the same with little difference like alittle bit more stren or more agi. Is it worth saying that this game is hard...this isnt your old FF where you game over only from boss sir the normal monsters will mob you. This is out of no where Black Magic and summons are rather useless in this game, so this is a heads up for anyone thinking about getting black magic, the only useful one is white.
Great visual for aging hardware
Great voice acting
Well told Story
No more Random Battles
License board is a pain
Black magic and summons are pretty useless
Great game