FFXII is like an apple pie without apples , tasteless. Rent it first so u get the picture then u buy it if u like it...
'' I dont care whats going on....'' he was so right , i didnt care either because like him i didnt get a word that came out of their mouth. I loved FFX cause it was full of emotions , from deep philosophical dialogues about Gods versus Technology to funny Auron , yeah even Auron the ultimo master monk was funny , no need to mention Wakka i think u got the picture. I used to talk to each little townfolks with their '' useless '' comments cause they were so right and logic ( like the Kilikan who repairs his house then Sins comes back and destroy it again so he repairs it again and again hahaha )....anyway , back in FFXII theres like....nothing remarkable or exeptional in the dialogues or scenarios. Characters all sound the same like nothing really interesting is going on , they just say what they have to say. I dont feel anything out of the townfolks i just skip all dialogues.
Oh yeah 1 more thing , they missed the new battle system its really boring. If u use gambits ( characters fight automatically ) u got nothing to do but watch and if u dont well....i dont even want to imagine the pain in the @R$E it would be. You even gotta fight with characters u dont like cause they dont get experience if theyre not in party , thats **y. OH!! and the traps...OMG TRAPS!!! Just to let people that never played know , theres sum traps that can kill the whole party in 1 hit if u step on it , theres even 1 right at the start point after loading the area , btw right after a boss.... Ahem...Fine , ok it is a good logical place to set a trap , fine...?? But while fighting my so inteligent A.I allies didnt care and steped on it even with the spell that detects traps on...Sum people say its a hard game , no its not , its the all new out of nowhere hard to guess improvements that makes it hard.
So in conclusion , i dunno why sum people say they like the game , surely because Final Fantasy is a '' Must-have Classic '' and they aprove FFXII because theyre easy minded fishes that bites to anything big names gives them to eat -= OR =- fans of this genre of...fairy tale fantasy ( Anime , mangas and all those lunatic stuff. )