A Great game but not what I was expectiing...

User Rating: 7.7 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
I played arround 25 hours and I really think that game is overated....
Just in case you are wondering, I'm not an xbox/halo fanboy or anything, I play almost exlusivly rpgs...

The story,graphics,characters and music are all great, the problem is the gameplay.

The liscence system is great but it could have been simplified. It opens many ways to a final character but if you aren't the type of guy who like farming experience for 5 hours after each dungeon, you will probably end up with the "sword/axe/bow/gun + shield + white magic" formula for each of your character. In fact, equipement are so expensive for the $ you got with the monsters drop that you always need to be farming. Just do the dungeon and killing monsters you see won't be enough. The Battle system might get you think you are playing like a champ but actually, it's all controller by the AI, even the character you "play" as. The gambit system could have been nicer. You just programm, in order, the actions you want your character to do. But then again, you need to BUY the actions you wish to programm. The way it's done, if you programm well, you can arrive at a boss fightr, go take a lunch to your nearest subway and come back. The battle will be done by itself.

Back to the liscence system.... a mage will be pretty useless, at least in the beggining (I made it to half game but stopped) since you have not enough mp and more, you need to keep some of them to heal.

The story is amazing tought, the cinematics are nicely done and characters look alives.

It's a great game but like almost every other FF reviews I read, it's way overrated. It surpases many other RPGs in many way but if you are not the "strategic" type, forget about it, you will find yourself stuck in a dungeon not able to kill the monsters...