What Kingdom Hearts should have been; however, in the end is it really all that great? Or is it just some hype?
I, however, prefer the old random encounter system... It was a classic... This new system is used to much it's getting old (I got the collector's edition IN YOUR FACE)- Star Ocean 3 uses it, kingdom hearts uses it... It's getting old fast. But as I said, I don't particularly enjoy the battle system, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I liked the old strategic flow of things... I wish it was more "real-time" but I love turn-based, what can I say? This isn't really turned based as much as it is "role-play style." That's been used by Dungeon Masters since the dawn of time. But it basically is just adding a visual representation to it. It's fit for games such as Never Winter Nights (Even though, the battle in that itself is quite boring), but I don't think it is the best choice for final fantasy to keep. They have the brains to think of something unique, and works. So, I hope they don't keep this system. It was good and fun to have as a refresher to something new to the actual gameplay and not just the same thing with a new story and characters(I'm still playing the game), but don't keep the system... It's too automated if you know what your doing for my preferable final fantasy experience.
As for the game visually? Probably it continue to stretching the Ps2's graphics rivaling at something I've never seen before. Many games joust that the CD's can just not hold the capacity needed and the hardware sucks... But Square Enix always gives them a big and swift **** you!" to the face by 1-upping it.
Drifting away from the subject, that is why I like Final Fantasy. Without top notch games like it, entertaining companies would merely state that nothing better graphically can be done and that they can't make it look any better just to shorten production time and still keep profits high. So, it's games like Final Fantasy which keep pushing the limit adding the "competitive"-ness to the market always making games the best they can be. They rake in the money for their game being good and visually pleasing, and other companies lose profits for their game not being up to snuff. In the end, it forces companies to make it the best they can. Things ALWAYS need competition, otherwise they just blow. Such as any game on the next gen, more or less the launch games (Like Novas implied) look just like this game. Monopolies suck in short.
The Bottom Line? If you like Kingdom Hearts, it would be a sin not to touch this. If your an RPG fan, it would be four. The game is visually pleasing, which despite most games taking the visually part too far and the gameplay part too short, Square Enix once again doesn't shy away gameplay for visuals. The system, while showing it's age and tiresomeness for starting to be overused, is still refreshing to any Final Fantasy player. It may take a bit of getting used to if your used to a classic style, but it shouldn't take too long. But, I still think the system should not be kept. And, as also expected the games storyline keeps your gripped from beginning to end, and even after the end. So, what makes this game right for you? If you like any type of RPG, pick it up. If your a First Person Shooter guy? Rent it, it still is a good game. So I verdict this, a Playstation 2 MUST-HAVE (Which now adds to my must-have collection of Devil May Cry 3, and Metal Gear Solid Series No, final fantasy X is not in here, it's for games not movies. Other games which I recommend are TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, Ratchet and Clank (Any). GTA would be in here, but I don't think it's "appropriate" enough to be considered a must-have).
But there are a couple things I'd like to emphasize: If you are able to get the collector's edition, for 5 extra bucks. Get it. And people may say the gambit system is "a good addition" because well, it is for the battle system. You could not control everyone at once properly how you wanted and the AI may affect your overall strategy and style; however, in the end it may be right for this specific system, but the system is nothing new itself. Gambits are just "convenient", nothing spectacular or good in anyway. I know they must be there, but as stated before... This battle system seems too automated. I am enjoying the game all the time, and not getting bored by it. But I have a constant nagging feeling in the back of my mind that it is too automated... I wish I had more to do- Maybe play it like a "fighting" game and be able to manually parry attacks? For example, when you are targeted it's pretty stupid that you always get hit even if your basically running. I think a manual parry/blocking system would make me like the system more because it'd be less automated and scripted. Although, I must further state that that may be a way for me to like it, but I do not want them to keep it.
So, I will rate the gameplay high, because I honestly enjoyed it... But I did feel that it seemed a bit too automated and slow paced.
Want justification of why I rated it how I did? *Note: If decimal marks could be given, I include what I`d give. The Gamespot rating is only averaged. Also, my theory is nothing can be perfect so 9.9 is the max rating I give.
Gameplay: 8
[Great, but it is a bit too automated and may make you feel like your not really doing anything important in battles. Additionally, if you set your gambits up right the whole battle system is automated; thus, classic lovers may find it distasteful.]
Graphics: 9.8 [Nothing's perfect, but compared to what Ps2 should be capable of, and the graphics of new gen games? This is amazing]
Sound: 9.9 [Nothing's perfect, but it sure seems it]
Value: 8.7
Tilt: 9