IDK what other people say about this game, i just love Final Fantasy Series its my favorite.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Finally I got my hand on this game, i was so excited when i got it, but before that i've check out this game online, some love it some hate it, because of the new battle system. Its is not a random battles anymore its more like MMORPG type of battle system, but IDK what other people say about this game, i just love Final Fantasy Series its my favorite.

The Graphics has improved, the story line is my 2nd favorite out of the whole FF Series, this game is addictive and kinda difficult, it took me some time to get use to the new Battle System, and the lisence board, you'll need to get a specific lisence before one can use that magic, item, weapon or armor.

This is a great game, you must try it yourself!