The Final Final Fantasy on the PS2 is the best yet in the series. FFXII is the revamp the series desperately cried for.
Game Play: The choose if you want to battle system is a finally nice addition. The License system reminds me of Final Fantasy X sphere grid system. It works well in the game and adds a little bit of depth to the game. The new side quest hunting is unique and adds a serious bit of depth. Hunting also gives the character a well rounded back story. Final Fantasy XII the game play gets a 10/10. Graphics: This is Square Enix's prize franchise so they went all out. Quite frankly the graphics on this game made me say who in the world needs a ps3. Seriously, I have seen all of the ps3 launch titles and only Resistance fall of man may look close to Final Fantasy XII. Square Enix once again steps up the CG cut scene quality FFXII graphics receives a 10/10.
Sound: All the classic series' sounds and music are accounted for and present in the latest installment. FFXII sound gets a 10/10.
Story: Traditionally in the Final Fantasy series the story was the stand out reason for a player to buy the games in my opinion. However, this story seems more like the writers saw Star Wars Episodes I-III way to much. I will grant FFXII this it is pulled off ten times better than those movies. The game is set in the world of Ivilace which happens to be my favorite FF world period. The story gets a 9/10.
If Final Fantasy XII is the last great RPG to appear on the PS2 then the run has ended in a huge way. FFXII could make a gamer even say PS3 who needs it.