awesomest game in the history of the world!!!!!!!!! buy it buy a ps2 just to buy it if you have to

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
I got this during the easter weekend 2008 which is about a year after it was released and it is mind blowing.
the intro movie is stunning and looks better than some movies these days and the story is interesting and deep enough for you to go wow! and simple enough for my 8 year old sister to understand.
the gameplay is incredible, and even I doubted it because I've known final fantasy games to have random encounters and a pokemon style of combat.
the story is very cool it sound a lot like star wars at the start but gets very dark mysterious toward the middle.the abilities in it are cool like one that lets you shoot 1000 needles at an which does 1000 damage regardless of armor. the places youl'll go to in the game are amazing like a royal city in the middle of a desert, the sewers and passages under the city, a floating city in the sky, a holy mountain, a tomb of a long dead king which is in the middle of the desert, a secret village in the middle of a magical jungle and fantasy style citys with skyscrapers and gardens hanging off the side and millions more.
this game is well worth any amount of money you it for and could keep you busy for a year if you want it to.