the game is perfect, but I want your opinion about the Story, if U've played others FF games(FF7, 8) would help.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Just say agree or not...the first pharagraph is the important one the rest is just blablablabla... (and my english is not that good so forgive my concordations on the phrases and the use of the words). The story has an interesting plot(like FF Tactics), but in all that Star Wars against the empire thing, lacked that personalities identification with the characters, like the others Final Fantasy Series did, the Story was in function of the empire and the rebels and they forgot to create some history for the characters.

The love Story of FF10 (Tidus and Yuna and the blitzball minigame)

The love Story of FF8 (Squall, Rinoa, Selphie, Zell, Irvine, Quistis and etc..)

The interesting plot of FF9 (with another love story in the middle)

FF Tactics incredible plot

And not for last and no need for comments FF7, that each character had his on history inside the main plot (even Yuffie and Vincent) and everything semmed to be linked, or like they had theyr own lives before the game and not just brief moments of nostalgia.

another thing that bothered me was the summons, they've putted some Saint Seiya Zodiac stuffs, that was cool, but I've missed Bahamut, Ifrit, Shiva, and Etc... (Tonberry and Cactuar too), the zodiac ones could've been part of some plot like on FF Tactics