Final Fantasy XII is quite possibly the best one since seven in the series. Although long waited for it was worth it. So far at being 10 hrs into it. It is marvelous, the cut scenes are great the story is fine, but the biggest improvement is the battle system. No more random interruptions, back attacks, or two pronged attacks. Now as long as you can see the enemy you can get the first hit, and run away. The license system is a new twist to an already near perfect game. So in conclusion I’m thrilled with this game and I am very excited to finish it.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This is the approach that many game franchises take. Sure, they’ll make a few changes here and there, but the core game stays the same. Final Fantasy is at the top of that list. Despite p... Read Full Review
The road embarked was rocky, to say the least. The departure of Hironobu Sakaguchi from the critically acclaimed RPG series wasn’t the best injection of confidence fans needed. Music dictatorship by Nobuo Uematsu was ove... Read Full Review