Final Fantasy 12 has all the makings of a great game, but lacks the ingredients of a great Final Fantasy.

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Final Fantasy 12 will never be remembered as a legendary game and here's why: this Final Fantasy is different. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. For example the new fighting system will surprise even the greatest fans of turn-based strategy by mixing the good elements of for example FFX's CTB-system with a more dynamic and free battle mechanism which is in a way similar to most MMORPG's. I even dare say it's better than all previous FF battling systems and MMORPG's because even though RPG veterans have no problem with random enemy encounters, they will have after playing this game. I'll say it again: the best thing about FFXII is the new way of battling. When walking through an area with enemies you will walk up to the fiends yourself because it actually feels good to defeat a monster and earning (rare) items. Then I haven't even mentioned the fact you can walk into monsters way above your level right from the start which results in fleeing and surviving or still trying to win. Boss battles therefore aren't the only challenging fights in this game. You could in fact fight over 1000 "bosses" this way.
Then there's the gambit system which is entirely optional, but for those who like it it's a great addition to the game. After having spent a good time programming your party's gambits all you'll have to do is walk up to a monster and your party will handle it without human intervention, while you check your fridge for something to drink.
I still suggest you place your playstation next to the fridge because you're gonna be busy forever completing the game and then finding all its secrets. If there's one game out there that's worth its money it's gotta be this one.

That's all pretty nice up till now.
Problem with this game is even though major changes have been made to the FF formula, it's not open to a new public. If you're new to RPG's (we've all been playing pokemon, I know, but seriously) you're not gonna like this game all too much for it is HUEG. So the ones playing this game would have to be FF veterans, and what those players expect is more than just a fun game.
Final Fantasy is a story-driven series. Final Fantasy is made by the main characters that appear in each game. Final Fantasy is Kefka, Midgar and Blitzball. There's a whole lot of moogles out there in Ivalice, as well as chocobo's, airships and two (!) Cids, however I felt like playing World of Warcraft more often than Final Fantasy. Even FF-fanboys will sometimes complain about the trademark "emo" cuts-cenes of previous FF's, but FFXII shows what you get if those things are made less important than usual. There is practically no character development in 12, you'll never feel like you're a young hero in Ivalice who'd love to once be a sky pirate. Example: Basch is a pretty interesting character, branded a traitor, joining your party and making up with princes Ashe, however after those I can't recall a word he said (I think he was done talking after 30 hours of playing time). FFX had a mystery man too: Auron. Now Auron was badass. Basch is boring. Simple as that. I didn't want to talk about how great Tetsuya Nomura is because I know one man doesn't make a game. However FFXII shows the absence of one man can make a game less fun.
Of course Nomura isn't the only one absent: how about Nobuo Uematsu? He made some of the most memorable tunes in videogaming history and he did it all in one series: Final Fantasy. The music in FFXII isn't bad, but also far from memorable. Maybe that in a different game the music would've been good enough, but in a FF game I'm always looking for tunes to listen to in my spare time, outside of the game, and for that matter the battle themes in this game are one of the most boring I've ever heard. The rest of the game has pretty neat music, but it's just not of Nobuo quality. Voice casting? Better than FFX(2), so best in any FF game to date, but also better than most games I've seen. But good voice acting doesn't make up for the lack of character development.
Summons and Limit Breaks. I once heard someone say summons (espers) and limit breaks (quickenings) in this game were weak and useless. Seriously, the guy had no idea. It's too bad all summons are new and there's no Ifrit, Shiva or Bahamut in this game, though. A few familiar faces would've been nice.
I would almost forget about the graphics. The graphics are breathtaking and will be the best of any game ever to be released on the PS2, that's for sure. It looks better than most next-gen games but in a way, that's what one could expect from Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy 8-9-10 were the best looking games of their time and 12 isn't, because now there's the PS3 to screw things up. I don't say the graphics should have been even better (it wouldn't even be possible), but how the game looks doesn't make it a better game than the previous FF's.
Finally I'd like to compliment the guys in charge of the level design of this game because it's the best I've seen in any FF. Non-linear, so much to explore, neat secret passages... guys you were great.

Short things short, FFXII lacks soul and memorable aspects (characters and music), and I really doubt people will still be discussing this game's character motives, story, world or anything else in ten years. I'd say this game is one of the best RPG's ever made, but far from the best Final Fantasy. I'm eagerly awaiting number 13.

Now I'll stop bashing this game.

