The game that started the genre is back and offline.
User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
To most people who have played a final fantasy game in the past it has been and moving and special experience (apart from X-2) and with this edition it's lives up to it predesers. The opening of the game is as enigmatic as any of the past games in the series, first the wedding of one of the main charaters Ashe (princess of Dalmasca), then the begining of a war between Dalmasca and Archadia which ends in the death of Ashe's new husband, and then soon after that the death of her farther leaving her the sole heir to the throne of Dalmasca, we jump to Vaan a young street urchin which dreams of one day being a sky pirate and his friend Penelo who is more down to earth than our hero Vaan, the game then starts off with Vaan trying break into the Dalmascain palace in steal something of value at this point in the story he meets up with Balthier and Fran two sky pirates that also want to steal items of value, this then leads on to the main story and the other adventures they get up to. The game itself visually similar to the other Square Enix game Vargrant Story (PSX) and has a nice medaterrain look to it which is pleasing to the eyes and the FMV's are what you would expect from Square Soft/Enix game, there have been some major changes to the way you play mostly the battle system which again takes it's que from Vargrant Story this also make the world you explore populate with monsters which means you lose the random encounter system which maybe or may not make some players happy, the licence board system is simular to the sphere grid in Final Fantasy X but with this you can add what weapons, armor, magik and techniques which you pick LP points to spend on the board for each character this makes thing abit easy because all characters even the one that not in play get them so you can max out the board with a couple hours play and not even use the character. At the end of the day this game is great and brings back the one of the best RPG's to offline.