An epic and masterful game
Graphics:10/10:This game has excellent graphics and some of the best I've seen on the PS2.The CGI cutscenes are even more mindblowing.
Gameplay:9/10:This game has a well thought out battle system.The active battle was a good choice instead of the never ending Turn Based Strategy.The game could have less backtracking though.(especially for the hunts).
Sound:8/10:While most of the tunes arent memorable,The game does a good job presenting it's music.
Replay value:10/10:After you've finished the story,which is long enough,you will still need to find more summoning beasts,side quests to do,hunts to complete and tons of other awesome things.
Overall:10/10:This is an excellent game that anyone who likes RPGs ort has loved FF since it's humble beginnings,You will love this game.It's a game that you should not miss out on.