Overall, a very dissapointing Final Fantasy game.

User Rating: 6 | Final Fantasy XII PS2
Final Fantasy 12... a game that many people have called the "best final fantasy yet." i beg to differ. The graphics really are worse then they were in final fantasy X. The storyline was ok... but was often confusing. I didnt feel like it was as deep as the other games. The characters were all very annoying, especially Penelo. But my biggest problem has to be the gameplay. I understand that Square is trying to change the system around a bit, but they made it much much much worse then before. If your going to make it to where you are able to run around freely, take the freaken ATB out of the game. It would've been so much better if Square wouldnt of made you wait 20 freaken seconds for every little sword swing.

Overall: an alright game, but extremely dissapointing for Final Fantasy. Stick to the other games, hopefully XIII will be better.